Love is Everything.

今天去興大傳福音,看見一個同學身穿T恤,上面寫著: Basketball is Everything.

I asked him: ‘do you agree it?’
He answered: ‘no.’

‘What is the everything?”
‘n….I do not know.’

‘How about love! The love of parents, the love of family, the love of teachers, the love of the friends’
‘Yes. Love is everything.’

‘OK, good, now you try to learn something more: this year is the 2016 A.C. What is A.C.?’
‘I do not know.’

‘Google it use your cell phone’ and he did but cannot find the right answer. The I said to him: ‘You should polite because you are not at home you have to friendly to face everyone…do not make an enemy, if you have a friend you will have many friends, if you have an enemy you will have many enemies. Now you can ask me.’
‘Please tell me what is the A.C.?”

‘Surly I will tell you. That is After Christ…..’

It is a long story…


