692 In the Name of ἸΗΣΟΥ͂ Χριστοῦ try to build Refugee Camp in GOD’S State – Chiayi County, Taiwan by Chin Dabid

 In the Name of ἸΗΣΟΥ͂ Χριστοῦ try to build Refugee Camp in GOD’S State – Chiayi County, Taiwan by Chin Dabid
奉萬主之主ἸΗΣΟΥ͂ Χριστοῦ之名,嚐試在嘉義建造難民營-秦續堅

In The Name of LORD OF LORDS ἸΗΣΟΥ͂ Χριστοῦ the servant of LORD OF LORDS Chin Dabid have been calling the 12 families who are in ἸΗΣΟΥ͂ Χριστοῦ and 12 families who are in TRUE LORD and we all are love peace and come to the good land that of the GOD’S State in Puzi City, Chiayi County Taiwan, for build:

秦續堅奉萬主之主的名呼召12個在ἸΗΣΟΥ͂ Χριστοῦ的家族和12屬於真主的家族,共24個愛好和平的家族來神州台灣嘉義縣朴子市的美地-流奶與蜜之美地,建立:

1.The library of LORD OF LORDS
2.Refugee camp
3.Our own castles

The New Testament Ephesians 3:15
from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named

3:15 天上地上的各家,都是從他(ἸΗΣΟΥ͂ Χριστοῦ)得名。

The rich what we have are counted nothing, but we the 24 families gather together we love each other and we can do and work for LORD OF LORDS.

The Main Land China has Flood disaster, America has COVID-19, Israel is the bomb store at The Middle East, Taipei is the weapons target of the People's Liberation Army and U.S. Army, the Europe does not know ἸΗΣΟΥ͂ Χριστοῦ

大陸有洪水之災、美國有新冠肺炎、以色列是中東的炸藥庫、台北是解放軍和美軍的練武靶場、歐洲人不認識ἸΗΣΟΥ͂ Χριστοῦ。

The Chiayi in GOD’S State is the good land, there is great rice, corn, milk, fruits, hospitals…

We will have open mind and open hand to help the refugee.

Please replay me when you be moved.



