
目前顯示的是 9月, 2023的文章

1714 The Lord's Prayer in Greek and put Greek and English in order together - Chin Dabid 秦續堅

 Video  Words   If you want to put Lord's prayer in Greek and English in order together, you may do it.  希臘文主禱文LORD’S Prayer. 馬太福音6:9~13 9...ΠΆΤΕΡ  ἩΜΩ͂Ν  Ὁ  ἘΝ  ΤΟΙ͂Σ  ΟΥ̓ΡΑΝΟΙ͂Σ·  ἉΓΙΑΣΘΉΤΩ  ΤῸ        Father    of us     who in    the      heavens         hollowed           the ὌΝΟΜΆ  ΣΟΥ· name         of you 10 ἘΛΘΈΤΩ*  Ἡ  ΒΑΣΙΛΕΊΑ  ΣΟΥ·  ΓΕΝΗΘΉΤΩ  ΤῸ  ΘΈΛΗΜΆ  ΣΟΥ,      let come       the kingdom      of you let be done      the    will             of you  ὩΣ  ἘΝ  ΟΥ̓ΡΑΝΩ͂Ι...

1713 Dabid's happy Mother


1712 God is still God.

I am sorry to True Lord and You are The Lord of Lords. I should not ask much money. I should satisfied for what you have been giving to me. I have lost money and You still are my True Lord, my Lord of lords in my heart and in everything. All the glory to You. Chin Dabid.

1711 可蘭經中非常重要金句-秦續堅

2 : 62     信道者、猶太教徒、基督教徒、拜星教徒,凡信真主和末日,並且行善的,將來在主那裏必得享受自己的報酬,他們將來沒有恐懼,也不憂愁。 2 : 109     信奉天經的人當中,有許多人惟願使你們在繼信道之後變成不信道者,這是因為他們在真理既明之後嫉視你們的緣故。但你們應當恕饒他們,原諒他們,直到真主發佈命令。真主對於萬事確是全能的。 2 : 177     你們把自己的臉轉向東方和西方,都不是正義。正義是信真主,信末日,信天神,信天經,信先知,並將所愛的財產施濟親戚、孤兒、貧民、旅客、乞丐和贖取奴隸,並謹守拜功,完納天課,履行約言,忍受窮困、患難和戰爭。這等人,確是忠貞的;這等人,確是敬畏的。 2 : 247 他們的先知對他們說:「真主確已為你們立塔魯特為國王了。」他們說:「他怎麼配做我們的國王呢?我們是比他更配做國王的,況且他沒有豐富的財產。」他說:「真主確已選他為你們的領袖,並且加賜他淵博的學識和健壯的體魄。」真主常常把國權賞賜自己所意欲的人。真主是寬大的,全知的。 3 : 26     你說:「真主啊!掌權的主啊!你要把權力賞賜誰,就賞賜誰,你要把權力從誰手中奪去,就從誰手中奪去;你要使誰尊貴,就使誰尊貴,你要使誰卑賤,就使誰卑賤;福利只由你掌握;你對於萬事,確是全能的。  3 : 157     如果你們為主道而陣亡,或病故,那末,從真主發出的赦宥和慈恩,必定比他們所聚集的(財產)還要寶貴些。 3 : 180     吝惜真主所賜的恩惠的人,絕不要認為他們的吝惜,對於他們是有益的,其實,那對於他們是有害的;復活日,他們所吝惜的(財產),要像一個項圈一樣,套在他們的頸項上。天地間的遺產,只是真主的。真主是徹知你們的行為的。 4 : 37     他們中有自己吝嗇,並教人吝嗇,且隱諱真主所賜他們的恩惠的人,我已為(他們這等)不信道的人預備了淩辱的刑罰 59 : 23     他是真主,除他外,絕無應受崇拜的。他是君主。他是至潔的,是健全的,是保佑的,是見證的,是萬能的,是尊嚴的,是尊大的。讚頌真主...

1710 God commanded the colour 蒼蠅 did hit my did fly stone

47 years ago, I was a 8 years old boy. I just 丟了 a stone when it 落地 the big color 蒼蠅 did fly to hitted my stone. He was not died but 暈了!   I don't know how the thing happened, but I know now It was God did command the devil 蒼蠅 was hitted and 暈了under my hand. Glory to God.  

1709 To The TRUE LORD who is The LORD OF LORDS, as Chin Dabid is 秦續堅 20230921(四)09:40

Chin Dabid have asked GOD'S(TRUE LORD) Helps for Dabid's 威力彩! 期別:#112000076 All The Dear: THE TRUE LORD and THE GOD and The Middle East power and The China power and The China Taiwan power and The Russia power and The X power, Please let me Bingo and all the Glory to THE TRUE LORD GOD Almighty. The Date is 20230921(Thursday) P.M. 08:30 shows result. * This is the example for your spies need money for Kingdom of GOD, all you can learn from this - Chin Dabid. Please let we co-work together for over the evil USA. The good spies in Taiwan may follow me to sign the numbers: A 06 07 25 26 30 31 B 07 Bless you. In the Name of ἸΗΣΟΥ͂ .   *How to Bingo 威力彩? https://www.taiwanlottery.com.tw/superlotto638/index.asp   可蘭經1:1~7 1.      بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ 2.      الْحَمْدُ للّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ 3.      الرَّحْمـنِ الرَّحِيمِ 4.      مَـالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ 5.      إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُ...

1708 There is the way for 中國和平統一(未完)

It is let USA cheap sells Taiwan to 中國共產黨

1707 Dear Russia, do not just watch my blog, please do something for the war

China is checking the 中國國防部部長李尚福,how about you? I hope you change the CEO of Russian National Internet, for 俄烏戰爭 can win as soon as possible.

1706 Gamble的解釋實在太棒了!關鍵字是: Risk

1 to risk money or possessions on the result of something such as a card game or a race, when you do not know for certain what the result will be 當您不確定結果是什麼時,以金錢或財產為賭注,例如紙牌遊戲或比賽的結果 2 2 to do something that involves a lot of risk, and that will not succeed unless things happen the way you would like them to 做一些涉及很大風險的事情,除非事情按照你希望的方式發生,否則不會成功

1705 公益彩卷 and 摸摸茶...看看就好,別當真!

想跟你討論買公益彩券的看法。我賓果一隻25元,每天玩三隻,絕不超過75元,有大,小,和,各1/3的機率,一個月花2000出頭,全槓龜的率很小,必有中獎的機會。你覺得呢?沒中就作公益。 *** 有一個真實事件: 一位阿伯,天天花500元到「摸摸茶」跟小姐「聊天」。後來他兒子結了婚,太太就說:「公公搞色情,是犯罪,你不要給他錢。」 兒子聽了太太的話,不給爸爸500元。阿伯沒地方去,天天看電視,沒多久就老年痴呆了。 兒子得每個月花六萬請看護來照顧阿伯。 後來就後悔了,還是每天給爸爸500比較好。

1704 Bingo =

GOD RULES Everything  + GOD rules隨機 + + GOD RULES me

1703 My smile make you happy all this day


1702 As The Father is watching his baby.

 The pic 

1701 秦續堅: 堅持和平統一!

The Chinese CCP must be very anxious to ask GOD through me: How can China be 和平統一 without killing anyone and blooding any blood? ! OK, I will tell you.

1700 My, Chin Dabid's Gamble is the Holy Choose and Holy Act and not your gamble

My Gamble is not your think the ordinary gamble, my Gamble is face future with GOD, and decide with GOD when the conditions I have to choose one. Such as: Go to the goal with the way that safe but waste time, or go to the goal with the way danger but save time, I have to choose. Make friends with X sister or Y sister, you can not make two as your friends, you have to choose one with GOD. Call her at now or call her wait some time is best I have to choose, all about what I talk is my Gamble. If you are fisher on the boat, cast you net to right side or left side, you have to choose and decide with GOD. If you are a carpenter you make chair first or desk first? For get more money. Today I got the Pass Word to be rich, I will tell no one even my son. My Gamble is not sin, that is to choose and decide with GOD. I can agree and choose and get the same thing or condition with GOD'S Happy Choose with no be told nor any sign but after I pray. I know Him over 35 years, but He has been knowin...

1699 Bingo and got 150NT$


1698 Dear ABBA FATHER in Heaven I remember the Sabbath day at evening:

Please let me Chin Dabid enjoy 3 times in everyday to do what the gamble maybe as a gambler or player. The small gamble once is 25~100NT$. Maybe I lose or get money. And all the great things are Yours those I have been obeying You. Just gamble 3 times in everyday, please allow me. I loss or get money, all I should thanks and give glory to You. When I gamble, I feel I am a human, not an angel. When I am an angel, let me like an angel please. Now I am a man, please let me as a man. And when I Bingo Bingo,  please you The GOD still in my spirit and soul and body. Today is prepare day, after sun set it is the Sabbath I will not gamble, so please still with me when I gamble at later. 不管中沒中,神永遠偉大 Amen

1697 為上帝發熱


1696 Am I yet OK?


1695 Thanks the LORD

ThanksThe LORD OF LORDS, AND HE IS TRUE LORD. I will try again at this evening.

1694 不是使徒,是賭徒秦續堅,寫給天父的申請書。

Dear ABBA Father: You know I have been obeying you at many great things, but this day please let me 放縱一次 The Gamble if I lose I will thank you that is because you are The GOD. If I win I will praise you because you are my Heaven ABBA FATHER.

1693 賭徒,不是賭鬼 - 秦續堅寫給天父的信

父神,白晝屬您,黑夜也屬您! 在您看來,黑夜如同白晝, 在您看來,千年只如已過的一更。 請父神容許我: 在大原則上順服您,在小細節上給我自由。 請父神再容許我: 能擁有小怡情、小娛樂、小享受…。 父神祝福我的心: 輸了,心不生怨、輸了,仍是感謝父神;贏了,我就讚美神、 把一切的榮耀都歸父神! 今晚,我花了25元,中了150元,但連早上不節制的賭博,我仍輸了100元,所以明天…,您懂我的意思! 您是否已將財富祕碼給我了呢?! 賭徒,不是賭鬼 - 秦續堅奉ἸΗΣΟΥ͂的名 20230914(四)

1692 讚美父神


1691 父神啊!

在神的家中,總有幾個倍受寵愛的孩子,頑皮但不頑劣。 父神請你容許我, 這次頑皮一次...。

1690 我這次又錯了

若有人在基督裏,就不再被定罪了。 感謝父神的赦免與包容, 謝謝大家的收看。

1689 Before gamble, I feel rich,

When I gamble, I feel poor.

1688 神啊...


1687 小賭怡情 大賭敗家

論其大小 神說了算 或贏或輸 榮耀歸神

1686 秦續堅寧作神家中的賭徒…


1685 花100


1684 It's 100% the mercy of God


1683 小賭怡情


1682 理髮了


1681 When I watch you like this...

 What are you doing?  

1680 My friends who is in 佛教.


1679 google, 妳這東西…

平常沒事,用妳都是順的 很順利; 但在關鍵時刻,妳就亂來, 我懶的說妳而已,不要以為我不知道, 這些帳,我的神會跟妳算的。

1678 GOD helps me please.


1671 賭神之神的執行長…

妳們要我當賭神之神的執行長, 還是拜登、川普、普京、習近平、賴清德?    

1670 上帝可能還沒承認我是「賭神之神的執行長」-秦續堅

我等會兒08:00,「可能」會到「那間」公益彩券…BINGO, 我先公開幾個線索: 1 我生日的國立月日,不是農曆的。不知道嗎?可見我們不熟!這是為了神在那日造了我。 2 另外六個數字,由我執行長和賭神之神可能在倒數2點多分前在BLESSBANK中公布。     有無賓果,就知道萬神之神是否承認我是他的執行長 - 秦續堅 這是奉萬主之主ἸΗΣΟΥ͂ 之名而為之



1668 黑道開的店


1667 賭神之神是我的天父

I feel good.  

1666 所羅門對不起全天下,但他身為男人,對的起自己。

就著所謂的「聖潔」,所羅門被偽君子視為失敗者, 但就著身為一個男人而言,他的成功無人能超越!沒有人娶過那麼多美女為妻妾,甚至連亞伯拉罕也比不上所羅門!!    

1665 秦續堅的新工作



ἸΗΣΟΥ͂ Χριστοῦ IS KING OF KINGS, LORD OF LORDS, GOD OF GODS,  GAMBLE GOD OF GAMBLE GODS, WAR GOD OF WAR GODS - Saying by Chin Dabid. Chin Dabid is the first one who saying ἸΗΣΟΥ͂ Χριστοῦ IS THE GAMBLE GOD OF GAMBLE GODS. Do you like Gambles? You may challenge ἸΗΣΟΥ͂ Χριστοῦ, I promise you that you will call Him: GOD, no more please!

1663 Will Tomorrow...

Should I go to the same?

1662 The lucky Chin Dabid and happy mother


1661 Remenber 賓拉登 and 911 I Bingoed 100NT$

Chin Dabid remember 賓拉登 and his all the members, you all are the Hero and I get 100NT$, do not worry I will share to the GOD and poor.  

1660 連中兩局


1659 猜小雙

神,請賜給我 天時地利人和。

1658 感謝真主

感謝天主 感謝萬主之主 我25元的Bingo中100塊

1657 For TRUE LORD AND 賓拉登


1656 For Chin Dabid remember 賓拉登...

I Buy Bingo Bingo 3 times in The USA 20230911 Please give us 9, 11, 30, 70.. The Glory to The TRUE LORD.

1655 The Numbers King

Why The King is King  That is because I never give up for GOD.

1654 Chin Dabid is the Numbers Ruler.

I may change what I did set the Number at any time.

1653 Appreciate Chin Dabid please

ABBA FATHER mercy me I do not need your mercy me. I want you appreciate me. Numbers 5, 10, 15, 20 to Taiwan is easy defence,    This Time I will give you Un-fix Numbers, before 3 minutes.   Glory to GOD. I am Chin Dabid.    

1652 (For 911 of 賓拉登 Hero) Chin Dabid to The Great Numbers Changers(NC):

Tomorrow, it is after some hours. I Chin Dabid remember 賓拉登。He and his group are hero in all the Middle East. He has been making me knowing the what the USA has been doing the evil things. So I call China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, and X in a group to make 4 numbers those are 9, 11, 30, 70. For Chinese Taiwan Bingo Bingo after I pay 25NT$ to make Bingo. What name should we be call? a to z make USA was the great country that is in the history until yesterday 20230910. 0 to 9 will make all the world to obey the Middle East GOD is True Lord. And True Lord is LORD OF LORDS. And we are the Numbers Changers. We are NC. All the Middle East Power, show to the world: we can change Taiwan Bingo Bingo numbers who can change a to z, and 0 to 9 who may control USA. All we try do the test for the true war in Taiwan that already has been happening. Dear Great Numbers Changers just do it. Chin Dabid 20230911(Monday) The True Lord bless us, we win and no life die, nor blood, just to be the Numbers Cha...

1651 China Taiwan Bingo Bingo

  59 (For 911 of 賓拉登 Hero) Chin Dabid to The Great Numbers Changers(NC): https://blessbank.blogspot.com/2023/09/59-for-911-of-hero-chin-dabid-to-great.html   56 天父 https://blessbank.blogspot.com/2023/09/50.html   51 Only ABBA FATHER mercy me. https://blessbank.blogspot.com/2023/09/51-only-abba-father-mercy-me.html   49 不要怕失敗, Try again please. https://blessbank.blogspot.com/2023/09/49-try-again-please.html   48 至今方知,自拍有多重要! https://blessbank.blogspot.com/2023/09/48.html   47 秦續堅賓果 https://blessbank.blogspot.com/2023/09/47-bingo-bingo.html   46 Easy anger does small things no easy anger... https://blessbank.blogspot.com/2023/09/46-easy-anger-does-small-things-no-easy.html   44 Don't let me no face https://blessbank.blogspot.com/2023/09/44-dont-let-me-no-face.html   43 Chin Dabid warn Russia Co-work with me otherwise under USA https://blessbank.blogspot.com/2023/09/43-chin-dabid-warn-russia...