1626 九五之尊 ....
九五之尊 Chin Dabid ordered all you the evil spirits.
I am not just over west evil spirits I am over Chinese evil spirits also in The Name of KING OF KINGS.
Where I have been going you always make the 群魔亂舞…
Fuck you 幹
Tomorrow if you make Bingo Bingo numbers 5, 10, 15....to me, I will say good word for you before my Father GOD face before my Father GOD really punish you.
CHIN word is not Joke.
I am not just over west evil spirits I am over Chinese evil spirits also in The Name of KING OF KINGS.
Where I have been going you always make the 群魔亂舞…
Fuck you 幹
Tomorrow if you make Bingo Bingo numbers 5, 10, 15....to me, I will say good word for you before my Father GOD face before my Father GOD really punish you.
CHIN word is not Joke.
Not Me, OK! 我笑了。這情報有跟上網路電速!
回覆刪除買樂透爽中9億!強運男落不幸輪迴 自曝慘況:人生毀了
2023年9月8日 週五 下午10:42