傳播真理 Preach The Truth - 秦續堅 Chin Dabid 1.02 20221106(Sunday)~20221107(Monday) 第一章 Chapter 1 認識主的名 Know the name of the Lord. 如果你要求父親,要看他的身份證、畢業證書、護照…,他會拒絕嗎?為什麼? If you ask your father to see his ID card, graduation certificate, passport..., will he refuse? Why? 如果一個僕人要求要看主人的身份證、畢業證書、護照…,是不是很沒有分寸?主人會管教他,為什麼? If a servant asks to see the master's ID card, graduation certificate, passport...isn't it disrespectful? The master will discipline him, why? 如果你的母語是希臘文,不是英語,你的名字是父母用希臘文取的,護照的名字是不是用羅馬拼音?兩者有何不同? If your native language is Greek, not English, and your parents took your name in Greek, is the name in your passport in Roman phonetic? How are the two different? 為什麼主說:「我是Α(Alpha), 我是Ω(Omega)? 主不預知英文會成為最流行的語文嗎?為什麼祂不說: 我是ABC, 我是XYZ?」 Why did the Lord say, "I am Alpha (Alpha), I am Ω (Omega)? Didn't the Lord foresee that English would become the most popular language? Why didn't He say: I am ABC, I am XYZ?" 為什麼希臘文的24個字母很重要?你願意學習嗎? Why are the 24 letters of Greek imp...