482 LORD OF LORDS has been moving Chin Dabid to share good things to 烏干達
1 In the Name of The LORD OF LORDS ἸΗΣΟΥ͂
2 The LORD OF LORDS has been giving me gifts and asks nothing from me, so I share the good things to 烏干達 asks nothing.
3 Chin Dabid - The Blessbank CEO gives the power to the 烏干達, If you want you can copy any pics and words and links form the BLESSBANK and from the 雲端戀。I have been free receiving good things from The LORD OF LORDS, so I free share to you also, I am the one who is open hand.
4 How the LORD OF LORDS has been teaching me to command almost nothing that has been becoming some good things, How does HE do the same to you.
5 May you become anything CEO of The LORD OF LORDS, and become the Africa blessing, and pass you The LORD OF LORDS' bless to all the Africa.
6 We do care the smallest and stop the strongest.
7 All the GLORY to The LORD OF LORDS.
BLESSBANK CEO秦續堅 - Chin Dabid.

2 The LORD OF LORDS has been giving me gifts and asks nothing from me, so I share the good things to 烏干達 asks nothing.
3 Chin Dabid - The Blessbank CEO gives the power to the 烏干達, If you want you can copy any pics and words and links form the BLESSBANK and from the 雲端戀。I have been free receiving good things from The LORD OF LORDS, so I free share to you also, I am the one who is open hand.
4 How the LORD OF LORDS has been teaching me to command almost nothing that has been becoming some good things, How does HE do the same to you.
5 May you become anything CEO of The LORD OF LORDS, and become the Africa blessing, and pass you The LORD OF LORDS' bless to all the Africa.
6 We do care the smallest and stop the strongest.
7 All the GLORY to The LORD OF LORDS.
BLESSBANK CEO秦續堅 - Chin Dabid.
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