1214 在台中神的召會的異象(聖經拼圖)-秦續堅Chin Dabid
聖經的拼圖 Bible Puzzle 1.21
The vision of church of God in Taichung
1 肯定【秦續堅】堅信萬神之神的兒子名叫ἸΗΣΟΥ͂ Χριστοῦ
* Amen the [Chin Dabid] firmly believes that the son of the GOD of GODS is named ἸΗΣΟΥ͂ Χριστοῦ
並且真正與基督一同復活蒙呼召被揀選的得勝者,是與基督一同復活,坐在天上(弗2:6), 是萬王之王(神的長子)的眾弟弟、是在君尊的祭司(彼前2:9)、是君王(啟1:6NKJV),要在主的再來時復活(啟20:6),然後依功勞的大小統治或多或少的神的百姓(路19:17)。
And truly resurrected with Christ, the called and chosen overcomers, we are risen with Christ, seated in heaven (Ephesians 2:6), are the brothers of the KING OF KINGS (the firstborn of God), and are the royal priests (1 Peter 2:9), the kings (Revelation 1:6NKJV), to be resurrected at the Lord come (Revelation 20:6), and then to rule more or less God's people according to merit (Luke 19: 17).
2 肯定【信義會】堅信因信稱義的道理。
* Amen the [Lutheranism] firmly believe in the doctrine of justification by faith.
3 肯定【浸信會】堅信信而受浸的必然得救、重生得救且認罪悔改的信徒可領聖餐的道理。
* Amen the [Baptist] firmly believe who believe and who are baptized must be saved, who born again and repent of their sins can partake the Lord's Supper.
4 肯定【主的恢復】堅信神的經綸,就是教會是基督的身體且神成為人為要使人成為神成並終極完成神人調合的新耶路撒冷以及天下每個城市都要有教會的道理。
* Amer the [Lord's Recovery] firmly believe the doctrine that God's economy is the churches are the Body of Christ and God Becomes Man to Make Men become gods and consummate the New Jerusalem of God-Man blending and all the city should has church those under the Heaven.
5 肯定【基督復臨安息日會】和【真耶穌教會】堅守十誡,由其是守安息日的以及彼此洗腳之主的教訓。
* Amen the [Seventh-day Adventist Church] and [True Jesus Church] firmly keeping the Ten Commandments means keeping the Sabbath and the teachings of the Lord who washes one another's feet.
For the sake of compassion and not killing, everyone is encouraged to be vegetarian, but they can also eat meat.
6 肯定【天主教】堅信一個神設立的教宗-使徒彼得的繼承人極權領導普天下所有的教會。
* Amen the [Catholic] firmly believe God-ordained Pope, the successor of the Apostle Peter, has total leadership over all churches in the world.
7 肯定【耶和華見證人王國聚會所】不受三位一體的影響,堅信耶和華是獨一的真神,ἸΗΣΟΥ͂ Χριστοῦ是神的兒子,聖靈是耶和華的靈。
*Amen the [Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses] is not affected by the Trinity, firmly believe that Jehovah is the only true God, ἸΗΣΟΥ͂ Χριστοῦ is the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jehovah.
8 肯定【靈恩派教會】堅信神的兒子而能效法祂趕鬼醫病說新方言且有神跡奇事隨著我們。
* Amen the [Charismatic Church] firmly believes in the Son of God and can imitate Him to cast out demons, heal the sick, speak new tongues and have signs and wonders following us.
9 肯定【秦續堅】保管Sinaiticus手抄本希臘原文聖經複本,約翰福音第1-10頁與啟示錄第1頁,直到萬王之王、萬主之主的再來,並確保其一點一畫都不被更改,!
* Amen the [Chin Dabid] keep the Sinaiticus Codex Bible e-copies of the Greek original Bible, pages 1-10 of the Gospel of John and page 1 of the Book of Revelation, until the return of the KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS, and to ensure that every bit and every painting Not to be changed !
10 肯定【秦續堅】堅守實踐神的旨意原是要我們行善(彼前2:15)的真理。
* Amen [Chin Dabid] firmly keeps and does on the truth that practicing God's will is for us to do good (1 Peter 2:15).
11 天主教封閉聖經一千年產生黑暗時期,馬丁路德改教造成文藝復興,直到20221015(安息日),聖經寶藏重見天日!(秦續堅)
* The Catholic closed the Bible for a thousand years and produced a dark period. Martin Luther's reformation led to the Renaissance. Until 20221015 (the Sabbath), the treasure of the Bible will be seen again!(Chin Dabid)
12 信ἸΗΣΟΥ͂,悔改歸正,遵行神的道,得享安舒的日子(行3:19-20)、免去那臨到普天下人所受的試煉(啟3:10)、過教友彼此相愛、喜樂的家庭和召會生活(羅13:8,帖前5:16-18,箴17:22)。神的亮光照亮真理,真理開拓道路,我秦續堅奉萬主之主、萬王之王的名,呼召同工,如果你聽到這話,也想趕鬼醫病傳道,建立神的召會,請聯絡我!
*Believe in ἸΗΣΟΥ͂, repentance and reformation, follow God's word, and enjoy days of comfort (Acts 3:19-20), free from the trials that have come upon all people in the world (Revelation 3:10), and have church members with love each other, joyful family and church life (Romans 13:8, 1 Thess. 5:16-18, Proverbs 17:22).
The light of God illuminates the truth, and the truth opens the way. I, Dabid in the name of the LORD OF LORDS and the KING OF KINGS, call for co-workers. If you hear this, you also want to cast out demons, heal the sick, preach the Word, and build the church of God, please contact me!
13 神的召會,先把福音傳給遠處的人 (弗2:17),再把福音傳給家人,近處的人,緊緊抓住神賜給我們一人得救全家都必得救的神的應許(徒16:31)!
The church of God, first preach the gospel to those who are far away (Ephesians 2:17), and then preach the gospel to the family members, those who are close by, hold fast to God who has given us the God who gives us the salvation of one person and the whole family will be saved Promise (Acts 16:31)!
14 我們設立神的召會,只為遵行神的旨意,不會批評、攻擊、傷害別的教派,我們盡力與眾人和眾教派合好,但我們也無畏他人的批評、攻擊、傷害,因為我們天天死而復活(羅8:11, 林後5:15)。
We set up the church of God only to do the will of God, and we will not criticize, attack, or hurt other denominations. We try our best to be in harmony with people and denominations.
But we also have no fear of criticism, attack, and hurt from others, because we die and rise again every day (Romans 8:11, 2 Corinthians 5:15).
15 我們與倪析聲、李常受完全無關(加2:6)。
We have absolutely nothing to do with 倪析聲 and 李常受 (Galatians 2:6).
聯絡: 秦續堅 Contact Chin Dabid: chin2050@gmail.com